The School Fees must be paid for Full year or term wise.
The last date for payment of fees without fine is the 12th of the month of the term concerned. In the event of the 11th or 12th of any month being holiday(s) for the school, the fees must be paid on the next working day, be it the 13th, 14the, or 15th of the concerned month.
Students, who have not paid their fees even by the 20the of the concerned will not be allowed to attend classes from 21.
After 21st, if no information is received from the defaulting student’s parent, their name will be removed from the rolls.
Once a student’s name is struck off from the rolls, the School Management may, at the discretion consider the request from parent, for readmission of the student, only on payment of Rs. 200/- towards new admission fees, together with the usual fees and penalty due.
It is however made quite clear that if such defaulting in payment of fees is repeated, the School Management will not readmit the student under any circumstances.