Admission & Withdrawal

Admissions are normally made in LKG Application forms will be issued at the school office during the first week of February. It is important that correct informations are furnished in the application form. The application form must be carefully filled in and submitted to the school at the time of interview. The xerox copies of the following certificates must be attached to the application form.


  • Community certificate for SC, ST, Most backward and other backward classes.

  • Age : 3+on 31st July (3 years and 6 months)

K.G to Std IX

Admission to these classes are made only as and when vacancies occur.

Age for admission: 4+for UKG on 31st July

                              5+for Std. 1 on 31st July

  1. Written entrance examination in subjects English, Maths and Tamil/Hindi will be conducted. For Stds VIII & IX written test in science will be conducted.

  2. Xerox copies of birth certificate, Community certificate and attested marks of the Half-yearly examination must be enclosed with the application.

  3. The originals of the above certificate must be brought at the time of interview. The same will be returned after verification.

  4. For students seeking admissions the Transfer certificate should be countersigned by the respective inspecting authorities.

  5. A candidate seeking admission has to fill up the application form in which all the detail should be given.

  6. The school authorities have the right to reject any application before the entrance exam itself.

  7. The list of selected candidates will be sent by post. He / She should be him self / her self admitted, by paying all the fees, before the due date.

  8. Admission can be refused to a candidate, who is over aged or under aged for the calls to which admission is sought.

  9. No other person except, the one who signs the application form for admission and declaration, will be entertained in the school to deal with affairs of the pupil.

  10. Application for a Transfer Certificate shall be made in writing to the Principal by the parent or guardian of the pupil.

  11. When an application for Transfer Certificate is made after a lapse of one year from the date of which pupil actually left the school, a fine of Rs. 25/- will be charged for each year that has so lapsed.

  12. No certificate (of any kind) will be issued to any one who is in arrears of fees.

N.B. Issue of application forms is not a guarantee for admission.

Pupils for admission must be accompanied by both the parents or guardians who must sign the prescribed admission form and pledge themselves to abide by the rules and regulations of the school.

If a parent wished to withdraw the child from the school, he should submit a written application to the Principal. Transfer Certificate will be issued only if and when all the payments due to the school are made good. If a student is withdrawn in the middle of a term, the parent will be asked to pay the fees for the whole term.

Pupils are liable to be suspended or dismissed with the Transfer Certificate at any time of the year if their conduct is detrimental to the discipline of the school.